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Caltech Accessibility Services for Students

Accommodations, accessibility, and registration with CASS
The mission of CASS is to provide equitable access to all programs, activities and services at Caltech for students with disabilities and medical conditions, including temporary conditions. We also strive to promote disability awareness and resources for the greater Caltech community.

Caltech is committed to maintaining a diverse academic community, and welcoming individuals with a broad spectrum of talents and experiences to its campus and programs. Students with disabilities, actively participating in all aspects of the Caltech experience, are an essential part of that diversity. CASS will make every reasonable effort to provide academic adjustments and other reasonable accommodations to otherwise qualified students with known disabilities, consistent with Caltech's obligations under applicable law; including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Accommodation Process:

  1. Complete the CASS Registration Form in Accommodate
  2. Submit supporting documentation completed by a qualified licensed health care provider. You may have your provider complete the relevant CASS documentation form(s) (see Documentation Forms section below), and/or provide a detailed evaluation or letter that discusses diagnoses, functional limitations, and recommendations for accommodations within the higher education setting.
  3. Request a meeting with CASS to facilitate the interactive process for evaluating reasonable accommodations.

Following the intake appointment, students will be notified by CASS in writing about any accommodation decisions. If an accommodation request is denied, students will be provided with information about appealing the decision through the grievance process.

Documentation Forms:

Documentation Guidelines:

Other Forms:

Please allow up to 30 days for reviewing your accommodation request, once the completed CASS Registration Form, AND all other relevant documentation have been submitted. Incomplete or insufficient documentation may delay this process. CASS will prioritize requests for injuries or sudden onset of conditions that may require urgent accommodations, and medical documentation may not be required in some cases when a student's condition is physically visible, depending on the nature of the accommodation request.

Housing accommodation requests: Returning students seeking housing accommodations for the upcoming school year are strongly encouraged to submit their CASS registration materials by the beginning of spring term.

Mon - Fri
8:00am - 5:00pm
1200 E California Blvd
Mail Code 248-87
Pasadena, California 91125